Bases: pyalgotrade.feed.BaseFeed
Base class for providing feeds.
Parameters: |
This is a base class and should not be used directly.
Override to return the next in the feed or None if there are no bars.
This is for BaseBarFeed subclasses and it should not be called directly.
Returns the current
Returns the last for a given instrument, or None.
Returns the default instrument.
Returns a list of registered intstrument names.
Returns the pyalgotrade.dataseries.bards.BarDataSeries for a given instrument.
Parameters: | instrument (string.) – Instrument identifier. If None, the default instrument is returned. |
Return type: | pyalgotrade.dataseries.bards.BarDataSeries. |
Bases: pyalgotrade.barfeed.membf.BarFeed
Base class for CSV file based pyalgotrade.barfeed.BarFeed.
This is a base class and should not be used directly.
Bases: pyalgotrade.barfeed.csvfeed.BarFeed
A BarFeed that loads bars from CSV files that have the following format:
Date Time,Open,High,Low,Close,Volume,Adj Close
2013-01-01 13:59:00,13.51001,13.56,13.51,13.56,273.88014126,13.51001
Parameters: |
Loads bars for a given instrument from a CSV formatted file. The instrument gets registered in the bar feed.
Parameters: |
Bases: pyalgotrade.barfeed.csvfeed.BarFeed
A pyalgotrade.barfeed.csvfeed.BarFeed that loads bars from CSV files downloaded from Yahoo! Finance.
Parameters: |
Yahoo! Finance csv files lack timezone information. When working with multiple instruments:
- If all the instruments loaded are in the same timezone, then the timezone parameter may not be specified.
- If any of the instruments loaded are from different timezones, then the timezone parameter must be set.
Loads bars for a given instrument from a CSV formatted file. The instrument gets registered in the bar feed.
Parameters: |
Bases: pyalgotrade.barfeed.csvfeed.BarFeed
A pyalgotrade.barfeed.csvfeed.BarFeed that loads bars from CSV files exported from NinjaTrader.
Parameters: |
Loads bars for a given instrument from a CSV formatted file. The instrument gets registered in the bar feed.
Parameters: |