stratanalyzer – Strategy analyzers

Strategy analyzers provide an extensible way to attach different calculations to strategy executions.

class pyalgotrade.stratanalyzer.StrategyAnalyzer

Bases: object

Base class for strategy analyzers.


This is a base class and should not be used directly.


class pyalgotrade.stratanalyzer.returns.Returns

Bases: pyalgotrade.stratanalyzer.StrategyAnalyzer

A pyalgotrade.stratanalyzer.StrategyAnalyzer that calculates time-weighted returns for the whole portfolio.


Returns a pyalgotrade.dataseries.DataSeries with the cumulative returns for each bar.


Returns a pyalgotrade.dataseries.DataSeries with the returns for each bar.

Sharpe Ratio

class pyalgotrade.stratanalyzer.sharpe.SharpeRatio(useDailyReturns=True)

Bases: pyalgotrade.stratanalyzer.StrategyAnalyzer

A pyalgotrade.stratanalyzer.StrategyAnalyzer that calculates Sharpe ratio for the whole portfolio.

Parameters:useDailyReturns (boolean.) – True if daily returns should be used instead of the returns for each bar.
getSharpeRatio(riskFreeRate, annualized=True)

Returns the Sharpe ratio for the strategy execution. If the volatility is 0, 0 is returned.

  • riskFreeRate (int/float.) – The risk free rate per annum.
  • annualized (boolean.) – True if the sharpe ratio should be annualized.


class pyalgotrade.stratanalyzer.drawdown.DrawDown

Bases: pyalgotrade.stratanalyzer.StrategyAnalyzer

A pyalgotrade.stratanalyzer.StrategyAnalyzer that calculates max. drawdown and longest drawdown duration for the portfolio.


Returns the duration of the longest drawdown.

Return type:datetime.timedelta.


Note that this is the duration of the longest drawdown, not necessarily the deepest one.


Returns the max. (deepest) drawdown.


class pyalgotrade.stratanalyzer.trades.Trades

Bases: pyalgotrade.stratanalyzer.StrategyAnalyzer

A pyalgotrade.stratanalyzer.StrategyAnalyzer that records the profit/loss and returns of every completed trade.


This analyzer operates on individual completed trades. For example, lets say you start with a $1000 cash, and then you buy 1 share of XYZ for $10 and later sell it for $20:

  • The trade’s profit was $10.
  • The trade’s return is 100%, even though your whole portfolio went from $1000 to $1020, a 2% return.

Returns the total number of trades.


Returns the number of profitable trades.


Returns the number of unprofitable trades.


Returns the number of trades whose net profit was 0.


Returns a numpy.array with the profits/losses for each trade.


Returns a numpy.array with the profits for each profitable trade.


Returns a numpy.array with the losses for each unprofitable trade.


Returns a numpy.array with the returns for each trade.


Returns a numpy.array with the positive returns for each trade.


Returns a numpy.array with the negative returns for each trade.


Returns a numpy.array with the commissions for each trade.


Returns a numpy.array with the commissions for each profitable trade.


Returns a numpy.array with the commissions for each unprofitable trade.


Returns a numpy.array with the commissions for each trade whose net profit was 0.


Save this code as

from pyalgotrade import strategy
from pyalgotrade.technical import ma
from pyalgotrade.technical import cross

class SMACrossOver(strategy.BacktestingStrategy):
    def __init__(self, feed, instrument, smaPeriod):
        strategy.BacktestingStrategy.__init__(self, feed)
        self.__instrument = instrument
        self.__position = None
        # We'll use adjusted close values instead of regular close values.
        self.__prices = feed[instrument].getPriceDataSeries()
        self.__sma = ma.SMA(self.__prices, smaPeriod)

    def getSMA(self):
        return self.__sma

    def onEnterCanceled(self, position):
        self.__position = None

    def onExitOk(self, position):
        self.__position = None

    def onExitCanceled(self, position):
        # If the exit was canceled, re-submit it.

    def onBars(self, bars):
        # If a position was not opened, check if we should enter a long position.
        if self.__position is None:
            if cross.cross_above(self.__prices, self.__sma) > 0:
                shares = int(self.getBroker().getCash() * 0.9 / bars[self.__instrument].getPrice())
                # Enter a buy market order. The order is good till canceled.
                self.__position = self.enterLong(self.__instrument, shares, True)
        # Check if we have to exit the position.
        elif not self.__position.exitActive() and cross.cross_below(self.__prices, self.__sma) > 0:

and save this code in a different file:

from pyalgotrade.barfeed import yahoofeed
from pyalgotrade.stratanalyzer import returns
from pyalgotrade.stratanalyzer import sharpe
from pyalgotrade.stratanalyzer import drawdown
from pyalgotrade.stratanalyzer import trades
import sma_crossover

# Load the yahoo feed from the CSV file
feed = yahoofeed.Feed()
feed.addBarsFromCSV("orcl", "orcl-2000.csv")

# Evaluate the strategy with the feed's bars.
myStrategy = sma_crossover.SMACrossOver(feed, "orcl", 20)

# Attach different analyzers to a strategy before executing it.
retAnalyzer = returns.Returns()
sharpeRatioAnalyzer = sharpe.SharpeRatio()
drawDownAnalyzer = drawdown.DrawDown()
tradesAnalyzer = trades.Trades()

# Run the strategy.

print "Final portfolio value: $%.2f" % myStrategy.getResult()
print "Cumulative returns: %.2f %%" % (retAnalyzer.getCumulativeReturns()[-1] * 100)
print "Sharpe ratio: %.2f" % (sharpeRatioAnalyzer.getSharpeRatio(0.05))
print "Max. drawdown: %.2f %%" % (drawDownAnalyzer.getMaxDrawDown() * 100)
print "Longest drawdown duration: %s" % (drawDownAnalyzer.getLongestDrawDownDuration())

print "Total trades: %d" % (tradesAnalyzer.getCount())
if tradesAnalyzer.getCount() > 0:
    profits = tradesAnalyzer.getAll()
    print "Avg. profit: $%2.f" % (profits.mean())
    print "Profits std. dev.: $%2.f" % (profits.std())
    print "Max. profit: $%2.f" % (profits.max())
    print "Min. profit: $%2.f" % (profits.min())
    returns = tradesAnalyzer.getAllReturns()
    print "Avg. return: %2.f %%" % (returns.mean() * 100)
    print "Returns std. dev.: %2.f %%" % (returns.std() * 100)
    print "Max. return: %2.f %%" % (returns.max() * 100)
    print "Min. return: %2.f %%" % (returns.min() * 100)

print "Profitable trades: %d" % (tradesAnalyzer.getProfitableCount())
if tradesAnalyzer.getProfitableCount() > 0:
    profits = tradesAnalyzer.getProfits()
    print "Avg. profit: $%2.f" % (profits.mean())
    print "Profits std. dev.: $%2.f" % (profits.std())
    print "Max. profit: $%2.f" % (profits.max())
    print "Min. profit: $%2.f" % (profits.min())
    returns = tradesAnalyzer.getPositiveReturns()
    print "Avg. return: %2.f %%" % (returns.mean() * 100)
    print "Returns std. dev.: %2.f %%" % (returns.std() * 100)
    print "Max. return: %2.f %%" % (returns.max() * 100)
    print "Min. return: %2.f %%" % (returns.min() * 100)

print "Unprofitable trades: %d" % (tradesAnalyzer.getUnprofitableCount())
if tradesAnalyzer.getUnprofitableCount() > 0:
    losses = tradesAnalyzer.getLosses()
    print "Avg. loss: $%2.f" % (losses.mean())
    print "Losses std. dev.: $%2.f" % (losses.std())
    print "Max. loss: $%2.f" % (losses.min())
    print "Min. loss: $%2.f" % (losses.max())
    returns = tradesAnalyzer.getNegativeReturns()
    print "Avg. return: %2.f %%" % (returns.mean() * 100)
    print "Returns std. dev.: %2.f %%" % (returns.std() * 100)
    print "Max. return: %2.f %%" % (returns.max() * 100)
    print "Min. return: %2.f %%" % (returns.min() * 100)

The output should look like this:

Final portfolio value: $1295887.22
Cumulative returns: 29.59 %
Sharpe ratio: 0.70
Max. drawdown: 24.53 %
Longest drawdown duration: 277 days, 0:00:00

Total trades: 13
Avg. profit: $14437
Profits std. dev.: $127539
Max. profit: $420866
Min. profit: $-89320
Avg. return:  2 %
Returns std. dev.: 13 %
Max. return: 46 %
Min. return: -7 %

Profitable trades: 3
Avg. profit: $197053
Profits std. dev.: $158987
Max. profit: $420866
Min. profit: $66537
Avg. return: 21 %
Returns std. dev.: 18 %
Max. return: 46 %
Min. return:  6 %

Unprofitable trades: 10
Avg. loss: $-40348
Losses std. dev.: $23601
Max. loss: $-89320
Min. loss: $-4516
Avg. return: -3 %
Returns std. dev.:  2 %
Max. return: -0 %
Min. return: -7 %

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